The SD Sengoku saga is celebrating its 25th Anniversary with a new release of a popular Sengoku Gundam character! Nidaime Shogun is composed of Raihah Gundam and Musha Fortress. Together they can combine to become a powerful force! Comes with removable battle mask, Fan of Light, Nichirin Ken sword. Runner x8, Sticker x1, Instruction Manual x1.Once complete this Gundam has a super stylized appearance and is great addition to any Mobile Suit Gundam collection.
Product Specifications
- No glue required for assembly, a hobby nipper is required to remove parts from runners
- Colored plastic, little to no paint required to replicate appearance.
- Snap assembly
- Stylized
- Length : 20 cm
- Width : 31 cm
- Height : 6.5 cm