Here at HisGifts we tend to get a lot of press coverage. We love the ‘Press’ and the ‘Press’ love us. Why? Because we retail unique and engaging products sourced from right ’round the world – all ultra-newsworthy in nature and more often than not, topics of discussion for audiences from every walk of life.

So if you’re a journalist, radio presenter, TV producer, blogger, podcaster (you get the idea) and are looking for some inspirational, must-have consumer products to feature, let us give you a helping hand. Got a deadline? Need it yesterday? Welcome to our world…

Whether you’re looking for our most recent product releases, exclusive lines you won’t find elsewhere, product suggestions to fit a theme or just our logos and general company information, you’ll find it all here in one easy location…

Legal Notice: All content including copy, images and logos are Copyright © HisGifts, provided for official Press Use ONLY and can only be used when referencing Unauthorised use for any other purpose is strictly prohibited.



1. About Us

For information on who we are and what we do, please visit our About Us page.


2. Subscription / Registration

To ensure you have timely access to HisGifts’s press material (including new product launches and hi-res product images), we recommend the following actions:

  • Bookmark this page by clicking here.
  • Subscribe to the ‘ – New Stuff‘ RSS feed.
  • Contact Us to request to be added to our press database – you will then receive email press releases on the latest products we’re launching as well as product reccommendations for themed purchasing periods.


3. Referencing Guidelines

When referencing HisGifts, please either use the format or and where appropriate, include our 1300 national order line: 1300 LATEST or 1300 791 744 (international callers: +61 8 6262 2089).


4. Product Selection Guide

Below is a breakdown of categories that may assist you when looking at products to feature. Alternatively, you can always contact us and we’ll be more than happy to offer product recommendations based on your particular requirements.


5. Product Images (Hi-Res)

For hi-res 300dpi images, please contact us and we will reply to you within one business day. For urgent requirements, please contact us on 1300 791 744.


6. HisGifts Logo

Logo Type File Format File Size Download
Colour (Blue) JPG 300 KB Click here

To download files to disk:

  • PC (Internet Explorer): Right-click your mouse on the link and choose “Save Target As”
  • PC (Mozilla/Firefox): Right-click your mouse on the link and choose “Save Link As”
  • Mac: Click-and-hold the mouse button on the link and choose “Download Link to Disk”


7. Media Contact

For all press enquiries, please Contact Us or email